Summoner Showcase - Issue #53 - Heard it through the Grapevine
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Reeshi is back with some new chibis to delight anyone who supports cuteness.
Dodger and TotalBiscuit teamed up to sum up League of Legends lore, fast as lightning!
TPM Peluso gets the tiny gift of a big champion for his birthday!
Spedular loves our champions’ headwear so much, he crafted up tiny versions of them!
Nubcaek loves Teemo, but seems to love making fun of him even more as seen in these comics.
T8OO breaks down artistic barriers and then pieces together a picture of heroism.
JonTron’s reputation must precede him, since so many outspoken summoners begged for this entry to be shown. We agree. WARNING: There’s harsh language! JonTron says
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