Welcome back to my Unmatched Strategy Guide series. Today we get a close up look at the best fast food chain in Unmatched, Robin Hood and his 4 Outlaws, AKA Five Guys, from the Robin Hood VS Bigfoot Set.
Shout Out to “MyOwnNameWasTaken” who left a comment with a bunch of helpful Robin Hood tips on my “Channel Update March 2021” video!
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Unmatched Database
My Unmatched Strategy Guide Playlist:
Disarming Shot Overkill BGG Thread
0:00 Intro
0:13 Stats
2:18 Ability
4:51 A Hunter’s Eye
6:06 Piercing Shot
7:50 Disarming Shot
10:16 Steal From the Rich
13:58 Outlaws
14:45 Highway Robbery
18:13 Ambush
20:21 Defenders of Sher
4 months ago 01:55:52 1
БОЕВИК! РОБИН ГУД ЗАКЛЮЧАЕТ СДЕЛКУ С НЕЧИСТОЙ СИЛОЙ! Робин Гуд: Призраки Шервудского леса. Best Film