FIX Unexpected Store Exception Blue Screen in Windows 10 - UNEXPECTED_STORE_EXCEPTION Fix

FIX Unexpected Store Exception Blue Screen in Windows 10 - UNEXPECTED_STORE_EXCEPTION Windows 10 Error Solution Link: Copy and paste this: # Get all the provisioned packages $Packages = (get-item ’HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Appx\AppxAllUserStore\Applications’) | Get-ChildItem # Filter the list if provided a filter $PackageFilter = $args[0] if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PackageFilter)) { echo “No filter specified, attempting to re-register all provisioned apps.“ } else { $Packages = $Packages | where {$ -like $PackageFilter} if ($Packages -eq $null) { echo “No provisioned apps match the specified filter.“ exit } else { echo “Registering the provisioned apps that match $PackageFilter“ } } For
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