Castle & Beckett (4x20) - //beautiful nightmare//

I hadn’t made a caskett vid for a REALLY long time and i felt like like i neened to especially after the last two episodes were kind of downers for Castle/Beckett relationship so this is why this vid is sooo ansgter/romantic at the same time and also nostalgic because i decided to use some of the scenes at the begining of season 4... please my little Castle familly don’t dispear i’m sure things beetwen caskett is gonna be just fine in a couple episodes *hihi* please ENJOY !! xDDD 1. i dedicate this vid to my very soul sister Nina (if your reading this my chocolate sweetie pie YOU ARE FRE...AKIN AWSOMESAUCE love ya) ;)) THANK YOU really 4 everything your my #1 source of inspiration just like a writter and his muse and thanks for fulfilling my OCD (Castle Obsessive Disorder) lol and for being haha :D xoxoxoxoxox from Jenni xDDDD PLEASE I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING ALL CLIPS BELONG TO THEIR OWNERS I MADE THIS PURELY FOR FUN check the original song
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