What are the Common Radiology Terminology – Lesson 01 || Shri Ram Medical College.

Welcome to Shri Ram Medical College, Today We Will Explore What are the Common Radiology Terminology – Lesson 01 To treat patients with as little discomfort as possible, the vascular and interventional radiology (VIR) specialists specialize in minimally invasive techniques that are made possible through medical imaging. . Please find a list of the most often requested treatments, procedures, and jargon used by our vascular and interventional radiology team below. Ablation: Treatment of tissue, tumors, or blood arteries by means of heat, cold, or chemicals. Artery (arterial): A blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body’s organs and tissues. Absorption: In radiology, the amount of energy that a tissue or medium takes in from radiation. Absolute risk: how many people are likely to get a disease over a certain amount of time. Absorbed dose: the amount of energy that is put into a unit mass of tissue by ionizing radiation. It is measured in joules per kilogram (J/kg) an
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