Words I heard at the dentist - basic dental vocabulary
Personally I don’t like going to the dentist but after visiting the dentist I realised how many specialised words there are. This might be confusing for some English learners so in this video I have attempted to explain some of the basic words you might hear when you visit the dentist.
WARNING I am not a dentist so my explanation might not be 100% clear or accurate. Here is the dictionary definition of the words. Enjoy!
tooth/teeth - a hard bone like structure in the jaws of vertebrates; used for biting and chewing
gums - the soft tissue inside the oral cavity in which teeth are fixed
root - the embedded or basal portion of a tooth
enamel - the hard white outer layer of teeth
jaw - the lower part of the face which includes the bottom teeth
toothache - a pain in or about a tooth.
decay - a bacterial infection which causes demineralization and destruction of the hard tissues of the teeth
cavity - a hollow space or a pit in a tooth,
filling - a mass of metal or plastic used to replace a hole in a tooth
extract - to remove a tooth
general anesthesia - Loss of the ability to perceive pain associated with loss of consciousness, produced by anesthetic agents.
local anesthesia - Regional anesthesia produced by direct infiltration of local anesthetic solution into the surgical site. Also called infiltration anesthesia .
injection - a liquid injected into the body, especially for medicinal purposes
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