Lissie - Wild West (Twin Peaks version)

Get Lissie’s song “Wild West“ from her latest album “My Wild West“: The Twin Peaks version of “Wild West” will be released on the Official Soundtrack in September. Pre-order the Twin Peaks soundtrack on iTunes: Or purchase the soundtrack to Twin Peaks on vinyl here: In similar fashion to the making of Lissie’s original “Wild West” video, which was filmed by and features the capers of 4 kids that Lissie’s videographer knew (), the video for the Twin Peaks version of the track was filmed by 14-yr old Finn Deen-Lester. On the making of this new video, Lissie explains: “My friends teenage son takes photos & makes videos in NE Iowa so I approached him to create a video of his own imagination. He didn’t know what it was for & took to the country with 3 friends & a camera! I am so in awe of his young talent & eye and really enjoy this kind of collaboration!” Upcoming tour dates: Check out more on Lissie here: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Official US store: Official UK store: Filmed and Edited by Finn Deen-Lester Featuring: Mya Sullivan Ruby Langholz Finn Deen-Lester Matthew Chen
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