Mutiny in China: Youth refuses to live a life Let it Rot by the CCP (Worried..)

Video Description: China’s youth are growing increasingly disillusioned with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its lack of investment in the economy. With unemployment rates soaring, many young people are giving up on life and refusing to live a life dictated by the CCP. What does this mean for China’s future? This video examines how China’s youth are feeling and how the CCP is handling this crucial period. #mutinyinchina, #ChineseYouth, #CCP, #ChinaEconomy, #UnemploymentRates, #FutureOfChina #youth #china #life Additional resources: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ✔️ Subscribe for more awesome videos! ✔️ Turn on notification to never miss any upcoming videos! &
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