Black or White / UKOSAXY 10th Anniversary

UKOSAXY 10th Anniversary Special Performance 2016/ 4/29 目黒BLUES ALLEY JAPAN ♪ Black or White (Michael Jackson) UKOSAXY(sax) 笹本安詞(b) 波田野哲也(ds) 外園一馬(gt) ミトカツユキ(key,vo) notch(per) UkoSaxy is Saxophone Player in JAPAN Thank U for watching my U-TUBE Channel Please subscribe to my Channel ! and if you like it , please thumbs up ! ◆YouTube Channel ↓ ◆UkoSaxy website ◆CD ◆UラジTwitter↓ @Uradi_15 #Uラジ ◆UkoSaxy Twitter @UkoSaxy ◆UkoSaxy facebook↓ ◆UkoSaxy Instagram↓ http://www.
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