Aria & Ezra not perfect...

DON’T YOU HATE THIS NEW YOUTUBE WITH THIS AUTOPLAY THING AWWRR i try to comment but the video ends before and it takes me to another i hate this makes me angryyyyyyyyy :@ Heyyyyy.. Yep another video in such a short time but it’s different and i love it even tho it doesn’t have many effect on ...not to say none... but yeah. I really ♥ this couple and well i didn’t really like what happend in episode 7 but i hope they get back together again cuz they are so cute and they can’t just give up on belong to each other :) I worked hard on this so please comment.. these video are not so hard to make but they do take you a lot of time choosing the the everything to the a coloring ..a texture and of curse it took me 5 hours to make today and yesterday cuz i didn’t have time also counting rendering and uploading ,it took 40 minutes to render and 30-40 minutes to upload idk for sure but it su
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