Alain Delon - The Wedding Waltz v.3 (Eleni Karaindrou)
(💛😉🎈3rd Aug 2020: Please support me at Patreon:
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Won’t give up to post this beautiful Alain’s Leopard Wedding Waltz. 💚💟 The clip is again banned workwide!😣 just because the initial 1m Guitar. The clip revenue is already all gone to the film co and the record copyright owners but each year it is again banned worldwide! I have to comfort myself that it’s because my clip is too good....😉💚
Further trimmed and re-edited the clip,
Clip. Date upload/banned View no/likes. Reason
1st Mar 7,891 /37 👍 30-sec (fox film)
2nd. May. 3,572/23👍 1min (guitar intro)
*I will do my best to keep the beginning tribute and the clip theme unless one day the music cannot be used anymore. Please do download