7 Super Common Chinese Idioms (成语Chengyu) you can use INSTANTLY in everyday life and sound smarter

Download the PDF transcript of this video: Time code: 1:40 - 迫不及待 - I can’t wait 2:44 - 受宠若惊 - I’m flattered 4:28 - 求同存异 - agree to disagree 6:16 - 见缝插针 - make use of every bit of time 7:51 - 欲言又止 - want to say something, but stop (You need to see this in the video!) 9:09 - 事半功倍/事倍功半 - make twice the result with half the effort/make half the result with twice the effort Instead of just giving you a fish, I want to teach you HOW TO FISH Spend only TWO WEEKS on the Structure Review Plan course, you will find your brain starting to think in Chinese. 💥 Click the link to grab the course today: ======== Learn Chinese with Shuo 💥 Find more fun and useful learning material (pdf transcript of my video, extra graded readers and Wechat community) every week and support my work: ´ 💥 Spend only TWO WEEKS on the Structure Review Plan course, you will find your brain starting to think in Chin
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