Luckiest people surviving wild animal attacks!!!

People Surviving wild animals attacks. Our video today is about people surviving wild animal attacks. In our first video a Hippo attacked a zookeeper in China. Hippos are known to be among the most dangerous and aggressive animals in Africa, responsible for more human deaths than any other large animal on the continent. Hippos are fiercely territorial animals, especially in areas where resources like water and food are limited. They may perceive humans, boats, or even vehicles as intruders in their territory and attack to defend it. In the second clip a zookeeper in Russia thought it was a good idea to herd lion with his shoes. The lion wasn’t having any of it and it turned around to attack the man. luckily the lion lost his interest in zookeeper after the zookeeper ran for his life. In this clip a man in Thailand was trying to scare away elephants with a stick in his hand. When all of sudden one of the elephant had enough of his nonsense and decided to attack
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