Utsu-P【鬱P】- RENAISSANCE (Full Album)

#6 is finally here! Looking back from his remaster album last year, I can hear more technicality in his new material. A wonderful addition to his discography; I can’t wait to hear what he has in store for us next! Vocals: Hatsune Miku Gumi Tracklist: 1. RENAISSANCE (0:00) 鬱P feat. 初音ミク 2. The Beautiful Puke (0:58) 鬱P feat. 初音ミク 3. ハイパーリアリティショウ, Hyper Reality Show (4:03) 鬱P feat. 初音ミク V4X 4. お天道様とドブネズミ, The Sun Goddess and Rat (7:59) 鬱P feat. 初音ミク 5. 毒蜘蛛の娘, Poisonous Spider Daughter (12:10) 鬱P feat. 初音ミク 6. ゴージャスビッグ対談 [2019], Gorgeous Big Conversation [2019] (15:31) 鬱P, ピノキオピー feat. 初音ミク 7. ECHO (remix by 鬱P) (19:14) 鬱P, Fruutella feat. Gumi V3 English 8. 天使だと思っていたのに, I thought I was an angel (22:41) 鬱P feat. 初音ミク
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