ISFP Personality Type in a Nutshell

#ISFP #16PersonalityTypes #MBTI ISFP is one of the 16 Personality Types in Jungian Typology. In this video, I give a brief rundown of what ISFPs are all about and show examples of some in real life and in fiction. 0:00-1:35 Intro 1:35-2:24 Introverted Feeling (Fi) explained 2:24-3:00 Extroverted Sensing (Se) explained 3:00-3:11 How Fi and Se work together 3:11-3:41 Introverted Intuition (Ni) explained 3:21-4:33 Extroverted Thinking (Te) explained 4:33-5:13 Examples of ISFPs 5:13-5:41 Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To learn more:
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