M e t a p h y s i c a l A l t e r a t i o n ( 3 / 4 )

An abandoned modular session : the theater The last session of another special, intense and very instructive year. At the surface of two dimensions that are slowly merging. The end of year spectacle in front of an audience that can’t be seen but felt. This one is for you Tonton Bruno 💜 And for you all. Always with 📷 Chalisk Pito Creative process Metaphysical Alteration is a series of 4 sessions taking place in the same huge abandoned place, with each one of them being recorded during in a different session. I’ve been following this creative process for more than 2 years now ; 1/ Finding the right place This first phase can take long weeks of investigation and explorations. We always have to take in consideration the equipment we need to transport. Some places are impossible to access discreetly with two large cases, a generator, bags of cable and the cameras. 2/ First Exploration We never go in if no door is open, even if the place was abandoned for decades. That’s our number 1 rule; « If it does not open, it is not your door ». We first of all visit the entire place, room by room. Sometimes, the room we chose is a direct revelation, like if the room itself choses us. At other times, mostly when we are very stressed about the exploration or tired by the journey, we really need to first change our state of consciousness, to let go of everything and finally connect with the place and its layers of stories and histories. From time to time, the process ends here. I am always touched by the place’s soul. But in some places, I can feel that we are « disturbing » in a way. Deep listening When exploring, deep listening is at the center of everything. You are there, silent, in a place you are not supposed to be, where no one is supposed to be, controlling your breathing, attentive and mindful of your environment. Each sound can be a presence’s indicator. Meditation The meditation takes place in the room we chose. This meditation, that I am refining each time, is based on different other meditation methods I learned and practiced in the past years. I can perceive vibrations, sounds, sometimes words, images, flash, physical sensations, but what I feel the most is layers of emotions superposed on each other, taking all the space. We all have these extra-sensory capacities. All the exploration is documented with videos, pictures, soundscape recordings, and written notes. 3/ Retranscription : impact on the Creation Remembering the past experience. This stage can take several weeks. I really need to be totally available, invested, centered and focus. Most of the pieces’s compositional process starts with an instinctive vocal line or a sequence created on my piano. Sometimes it can be a texture directly created on my modular synth. And then everything flows, in a certain direction. Growing from a simple composition to a full sonic orchestration. 4/ Layers of Perceptions We finally come back to the place to perform the piece it was created for, creating different layers of perceptions, past - present - futur, birth - life - death. The past environment ’s experience influenced the present creation, and the present environment impacts the future interpretation. We never find the place as we left it. On one side, there is the unstoppable process of Entropy, and on the other side, the unstoppable process of Creation, making it a transdimensional space. About the theater The connection with this place was instinctive, direct. So many emotions, so many sounds, so many images, so many physical sensations at the same time. Something dramatic but soft too, some deep constructive disillusions, this great spectacle that is existence, the liberation of appaerances. There is a hidden process in this session’s process, a small particularity that will be revealed in the documentary we are preparing. We’ll be going for another loop of the process for M e t a p h y s i c a l A l t e r a t i o n 4 / 4 this winter. Wishing you a beautiful transition to 2023. Thank you for being here with us on this journey. I’ll never have enough Gratitude. 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 May 2023 be the year of constructive revelations, a year of liberation. Many blessings to you and your loved ones. 💜 With, among others; Nerdseq, er301, Morphagene, pamela, STOs, Mini Mods (VCOs/VCFs) DPO, Foundation Oscillator, Amp & Tone, Tonestar 8106, Mangrove, Saïch, Bartola Valves (Valve VCO, VCO2, Fuzz, LPG, VCA), Erbe Verb, Mimeophon, Verb, BDS, Verb, mk4, Panharmonium, Overseer, MSCL, VCA Matrix, lots of multiples ... Nb: for the first time we used our new homemade generator. Noiseless, light, perfect. It has been developed for many months and builded by Chalisk. #creativeprocess #modularsynth #eurorack #livesession #ambient #abandonedplaces
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