E t h e r e a l D i s s o l u t i o n // abandoned modular session //

An abandoned modular session. A dissolution of the inauthentic and acquired sense of identity. Here to explore, here to connect, here to understand. Always with compassion. I remember. ✨👁✨👁 ✨ Creative Process Ethereal Dissolution is part of a 3 episode sessions we originally recorded for the Hashiconf in last May. We only had 5 weeks to do 3 loops of the entire process. Ethereal Dissolution was our 3rd and last round. On our way back home, after the « Communion » session, in the double decker in the woods, we saw this huge metallic presence, from quite far away, while riding on the departmental road. Its structure & « openness » directly attracted us. We came back with our bikes on the next day. What a feeling to witness a sunrise in it. Functioning as a reinitialisation’s portal, with the constantly evolving sunlight’ patterns. We only had a few days left for this one, and the place was about to be rebuilt very soon too. Perfect synchronicity. It is probably the most atmospheric session i ever did, and the most liberating too. It was also the last session of this series. The urgency can bring us to unexpected, unexplored places . The amount of adventures we lived in only a few weeks is incredible. We went through all emotions, and evolved as human beings, (souls living a human experience). I hope you will appreciate the journey. 🙏 ✨ 🙏 with 📷 Chalisk Pito We are working on the M e t h a p h y s i c a l A l t e r a t i o n ( 3 / 4 ) session. In this series, all sessions are taking place in the same, huge abandoned sanatorium, which had many layers of life. At the top of the hill, in the middle of the forest. Coming soon. With, among others; Nerdseq, er301, bitbox1010, pamela, STOs, Mini Mods (VCOs/VCFs) DPO, Foundation Oscillator, Amp & Tone, Noise & Filter, Mangrove, Bartola Valves (VCO, Fuzz 1 2, LPG, VCA, LFO), Saïch, Erbe Verb, Mimeophon, mk4, Magneto, BDS, Verb, Panharmonium, Marie’s LFO, Overseer, MSCL, VCA Matrix, lots of multiples .......... Nb: i use a homemade generator (boat battery converter) to power my system. Noiseless, powerful, but quite heavy (38 kgs) . . . #modularsynth #eurorack #synth #electronicmusic #ambient #abandonedplaces #urbex #creativeprocess #experience #5d
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