Street Hypnosis - Full video

This is the full video of a Street Hypnosis session I’ve done with friends. Some parts might be a bit hard to hear so I added some timestamps to help: 0:31: Beginning 1:30 Feet stuck to the ground, human statue 3:33 Feeling completely sober after drinking 4:42 Sober and name replaced to “Sora“. 7:00 Seeing my other friend as Mac Ayran, his favourite musician 9:29 Everyone turned invisible and he couldn’t see any of us 10:30 Seeing us again 11:33 End and waking up process - He didn’t understand the name “Sora“ correctly so he was saying “I am sorry“ instead - He had a few drinks before and felt completely sober during and after the hypnosis - The part where we became invisible he just wandered around looking for us It was a fun session!
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