Deep water Shark nursery found near Eastern Mediterranean Sea

Deep-water Shark nursery found near Eastern Mediterranean Sea A huge concentration of deep-water sharks and shark eggs were discovered in Eastern Mediterranean Sea. This place has long been known as a hotspot for sharks, despite the large sea predators facing dwindling numbers – especially in the Mediterranean. The reason for this isn’t widely understood, though researchers do theorize it could be for a number of reasons, such as being attracted to the warm waters nearby or the lack of danger from fishing. But the sheer size of the nursery changes things. As the researchers noticed, the nursery isn’t anything new, and existed for a long time up until now. It is even thought that it could be the largest mating site in the region for these sharks. This was happening under our noses for thousands of years. It was hiding in plain sight, which highlights how little we know about the deep sea. The Eastern Mediterranean Sea can be regarded as an early-warning system for what we can expect from marine environments
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