Russian consonants: The difference between Г и К | voiceless pairs

In this video you’ll here the sounds [ г ] and [ к ]. You’ll know when г is pronounced like [в]. Content: Stress marking - 0:04 The imperative form - 1:14 What is стаканы? - 1:51 The imperative form of the verb дать - 1:58 The future tense of помочь - 2:34 мукА или мУка - 3:05 When г is pronounced as в - 6:39 Advice: best performers of the sound Russian sound Г are geese, 2. Learn how to read Russian consonants studying consonant clusters to comprehend better spoken speech. 3. If you struggle to read a word, split syllables. For teaching Russian pronunciation had been used and translated: Букварь для будущих отличников под редакцией Олеси Жуковой ___________________________ABOUT ME____________________________________ I am a a self-educated language lover and a trainee in teaching the subject(s) I am passionate about. CONTACT INFORMATION: Official group: Instagram: __________________________ABOUT MARKINTRAVEL_
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