The House Always Wins (ft. Ranboo) | Just Roll With It #14

The party bets their lives and makes the biggest gamble yet... Jay makes a very risky bet. Gillion gets blasted. Chip actually tells the truth. Clorten finally gets his milk. Support the show and get exclusive access to art, character sheets, and The Prime Defenders campaign!: Follow us on twitter: Listen to us on iTunes: Google Play: Spotify: Stitcher: and Podbean: @Grizzly as the DM @Condifiction as Jay Ferin @Ranboo as CLORTEN @Slimecicle as Gillion Tidestrider @Bizly as CHIP ♫ JRWI THEME ♫ “schmove.“ - by @Shady Cicada Thumbnails by Nada - Edited by Ikarus - https://tw
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