A Journey through the satellites of the Solar System.

♺ DETAILS __________________________________ Of the Solar System’s eight planets and its eight most likely dwarf planets, six planets and six dwarf planets are known to be orbited by at least 299 natural satellites, or moons. At least 19 of them are large enough to be gravitationally rounded; of these, all are covered by a crust of ice except for Earth’s Moon and Jupiter’s Io. Several of the largest ones are in hydrostatic equilibrium and would therefore be considered dwarf planets or planets if they were in direct orbit around the Sun and not in their current states (orbiting planets or dwarf planets). (A Journey through the satellites of the Solar System.) ♺ Our Channels: __________________________________ ● Evil Space - @DeepEvilSpace ● Espacio Profundo - @EspacioProfundo ● Raumfahrt - @Raumfahrt_ ● Space Voyage -
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