For a long time, I wanted to build a benchtop router table for a small workshop.
I decided to build a benchtop router table. I have wanted one for some time especially one I could use in a small workshop. I have been using different types of router guides but there are moments a router table would be more suitable and easier to use. You can easily mount the router table to a benchtop using clamps. I made 3 T-tracks - 2 for a table fence or a push fence and one for a crosscut jig as well. The tracks can be used also for hold-down clamps. As an addition, I also made a dust port.
I started by cutting 2 Plywood desks (40 x 30) for the router table. Glued them together and additionally fixed them with few screws. Then I measured the center of the desk and drilled 4 holes to fix the router and a center hole for router bits. I measured and routed 3 T-tracks using a router dado jig - 2 for a table fence or a push fence and one for a crosscut jig. Then I cut several MDF stips on a circular saw and glued them over the routed dados to form a T-track. Once finished I started building the router fence using plywood and MDF. Cut off the centers to make space for router bits, glued them together, and reinforced them with additional plywood supports. I also built a dust port and glued it to the table fence. To fix the table fence to the table I used plywood sliders and wing nuts.
- Be careful when building the T-tracks. They should not protrude from the table
- When gluing MDF strips in the T-tracks be cautious of glue excess. It should not get in the track
00:00 Router table demonstration
01:03 Building the router table
02:57 Attaching the router to the table
06:01 Making a T-tracks
07:52 Cleaning T-track slots
08:16 Cutting MDF strips for T-tracks
09:58 Making router table fence
12:09 Building a dust port
13:24 Assembling all parts together
14:22 Using a benchtop router table
- Router - DeWALT D26203
- Plywood, MDF
- Sliders - Ply 3 x 2 x 0,65
- Wood Glue, ⌀6mm bolts, ⌀6mm router bit, wing nuts, washers
► Check out some of the other projects as well:
Adjustable Router Guide Jig | Router Template for Dados and Squares
Make a Circular Saw Track | DIY Circular Saw Guide
DIY Table Saw Sled | Small Table Saw Sled
Make a Drill Press Stand | Drill Press Stand DIY
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If you have any thoughts or questions, let me know in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as possible. I am not a professional but I like making something new with my hands. Any suggestion or advice is highly appreciated.
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how to make a router table
how to make a router table top
how to make a bench top router table
build a router table
build a router table top
router table diy
how to make a router table top
diy tools
hand tools woodworking
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