[ DPA Open Mic 75 ] USA renews backing of Ukraine and Israel; Iran spooked by weird drone strike
AI generated time-stamp
00:00:00 Pre-show
00:10:48 Intro
00:14:16 Putin on Russia’s Assets Being Seized
00:23:44 Putin on Russia’s Missile Defense
00:26:09 Rumor: The Iranian Army Launched an EMP Attack on Iran
00:29:31 Israel’s declared nuclear doctrine
00:31:57 Melkor: We Are Now Entering Another Phase
00:39:52 Avdiivka: The Stalingrad
00:43:33 Russia’s Claim on Ukraine’s $300 Billion
00:48:01 America’s Foreign Aid to Ukraine
00:53:24 What Really Drives The War in Ukraine?
00:59:30 Lambo on the Ukraine Crisis
01:05:26 Is Globalism Evil? John Steele Says No
01:12:06 F-35 Maintenance Programs
01:15:29 The New Guys
01:17:57 LEZEN on Viva & Barnes
01:21:40 How much of the US aid money will Ukraine actually receive? 50
01:28:14 Stupid argument about Russia
01:33:08 Stoltenberg drinking champagne during the Ukraine war
01:34:19 What should the Ukrainians buy with their $10 billion?
01:40:39 France’s military involvement in Africa
01:45:46 NATO vs Russia
01:52:04 “Only Freedom and Democracy“
01:53:09 What is freedom and how to defend it?
01:55:37 Can The City People Control The World?
02:02:29 Africans Are More Ready to Fight Than Europeans
02:08:16 Africa’s tribal mentality
02:13:16 Africa’s challenges
02:17:04 Africa’s tribal politics
02:20:35 USAID aid to Africa
02:24:24 How to fight corruption in Africa
02:27:04 Super Chat
02:28:35 Africans Talk Political Issues
02:31:49 Russia’s involvement in Sudan, Uganda
02:36:36 Africa’s positive aspects
02:39:24 Africa’s positive aspects
02:41:25 Julius Malema questions US military bases around the world
02:44:44 Africa’s military bases
02:48:59 Africa’s future
02:50:30 African perspectives on development in the west
02:54:32 Africa’s development
02:56:16 How Can AI Help Africa?
02:59:38 On the Diversity of the Chat
03:01:08 Rethinking Rural vs Urban Societies
03:06:17 Iran vs Israel
03:09:34 Iran Has The Upper Hand
03:18:50 Iran’s Response to Israel’s Attack
03:22:55 How Capable Is Iran of Defending Against an Attack?
03:30:25 How to Stop an Iranian Drone
03:40:12 Israel’s dependence on the west
03:44:03 Why Is It So Hard to Take Down a Drone?
03:53:06 Drones vs Army Point Defense
04:01:38 Anti-Drones Guns
04:10:34 Machine Guns Against Drone Warfare
04:17:56 How to Stop a Hypersonic Missile
04:25:34 NATO’s Hypersonic Missiles
04:28:04 Putin: Russia Is Preparing for War With NATO
04:31:26 Are French Troops in Ukraine?
04:35:33 French Foreign Legion
04:43:07 Trump on the US Pullout from Afghanistan
04:47:18 Whistleblower Against Boeing suicided himself
04:52:50 Do aircraft panels need to be made to fit?
04:59:52 How Could something Like This Happen?
05:06:20 China’s impact on aircraft manufacturing
05:14:02 Closing Statements
05:56:15 Wyatt’s Closing
06:01:20 Post-Show
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2 months ago 00:08:41 1
ERNEUTE KLATSCHE: Habeck, Lembke und Schulze SCHEITERN bei ENTWICKLUNGSHILFE für Kolumbien!
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