This isn’t Goodbye.

This isn’t Goodbye. I’ve been making videos on YouTube for over 16 years, and I’ve done everything by myself for all those years. I mean, from editing to writing to shooting to lighting, and now that I’m doing more than ever, I need help. Even though I still want to do it all myself, I simply can’t, not if I expect my return to YouTube work. So Patreon reached out again after years of me turning them down; they finally piqued my interest when they pitched a way of helping me get some of my ideas off the ground, including a comedy special, something I’ve wanted to do for years. Also, it will enable me to find help to edit my new web series, Haunt Hounds, for which we have 9 episodes shot so far. 288 hours of footage! I’m going to give Patreon a year with one tier for 15 dollars a month, and if you are interested, watch the video. It will tell you all the cool things you’ll get access to, including a copy of the book Jake and I have been writing for way too long, previously called Heaven’s Vault, now called “Forward As Always.“ Basically, if you are interested in the Olan cinematic universe, come join this club!
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