Ice Cream Sandwich vs Mango - Web Browser

Mangoes and Ice Cream Sandwiches are both delicious foods, but how do their web browsers compare? In this video we put Windows Phone Mango’s Internet Explorer up against Android’s Ice Cream Sandwich web browser. We use one of the first Ice Cream Sandwich Android phones available - the powerful Samsung Galaxy Nexus, and one of the newest Windows Phones - the Nokia Lumia 710. Both devices are connected to a WiFi network to give them a fair chance in terms of network speed so that we can get a better look at the actual performance of the browsers themselves. That and Verizon’s LTE network is a bit unreliable at least for me on the Galaxy Nexus. It’s also important to note that the Nokia Lumia 710 has a 1.4 Ghz single-core processor, while the Galaxy Nexus has a dual-core 1.2 Ghz processor.
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