[Simply K-Pop CON-TOUR] eite(에이트) - ’DANCE IT OUT + INDEPENDENT WOMAN’ _Simply’s Spotlight_

eite, ’DANCE IT OUT’ The Korean-Japanese collaboration girl group eite took their first steps into the K-Pop scene with their debut song “INDEPENDENT WOMAN”. For people of all ages, “DANCE IT OUT” is a song about escaping daily burdens and enjoying the day by dancing it out. eite, ’INDEPENDENT WOMAN’ “INDEPENDENT WOMAN” is a song about breaking out of the box and living for your own dreams. 에이트, ’DANCE IT OUT’ 7인조 한일 합작 걸 그룹 에이트(eite)가 데뷔곡 ’INDEPENDENT WOMAN’으로 가요계에 첫 발을 내딛었다. ’DANCE IT OUT’은 남녀노소 불문하고 다 같이 에이트의 음악에 몸을 맡기고 댄스를 즐기
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