In loving memory of Ryan Siew
Nightmare is the second single from our third LP ‘FATALISM’, out now via Resist/Sharptone.
Listen to FATALISM:
I saw the signs
The signal fires that burned atop the hill
Rising tides and violent skies
All the while the world was standing still
Defenceless as a rat in a cage
Living with our backs to the wall
From the minute we wake
Too sedated to notice
We’re living in a nightmare
A pre-apocalyptic wasteland
Is there no one who can save us
If we refuse to save ourselves?
Our best intentions pave our path to hell
What does it mean to be a captive
In the confines of your mind?
What does it mean to be a hostage
To the enemy inside?
We’ve been here before
I guess we learned nothing
The signs were all but ignored
The planets collide as we all stop and stare
Too jaded to notice
We’re living in a nightmare
A pre-apocalyptic wasteland
Is there no one who can save us
If we refuse to save ourselves?
Our best intentions pave our path to hell
I see their shadows dance on the walls
As voices echo in empty halls
It makes my stomach sink
As I close my eyes and beg for sleep
Chaos kills the calm
Fingers through my palms
I can’t make it stop
Somebody kick the chair and fucking wake me up
Spare your thoughts and prayers
They’ll never be enough
It only tightens the noose
The more we struggle to cut ourselves loose
Every cry rings out like a shot
The streets run red as the forests wither and rot
Declaring with their final breath
Eternal fear is a fate worse than death
But no one’s gonna save us
If we won’t fucking save ourselves
Our best intentions pave our path to hell
We’re living in a nightmare
(Never again will we sleep)
A pre-apocalyptic wasteland
(Until we are weary and weak)
And there’s no one who can save us
If we refuse to save ourselves
Our best intentions pave our path to hell
And you will see me there when they tighten the noose
I deserve this just like the rest of you
Produced & Engineered by Lance Prenc and Scott Simpson
Mixed and Mastered by Lance Prenc
Directed / DOP / Edited / VFX / Colour Graded - @thirdeyevisualsau
Producer - Todd Farley
2nd Camera Op / Gaffer - Ed Bellamy
FPV Drone Pilot - Josh Labita
Production Designer - Zak Douglas
Art Assist - Candice Nelson
Production Assistant - Jess Douglas
MUA - Chiara Mocnik
Catering - Carmel and Bernie Farley
BTS - @Rixoncreative
Special Thanks - Harpy Film , Working Heritage , BETA BY STH BNK, BEULAH, Sharegear , Andrew Lock.
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