Online Solo Jazz dance Class. Lesson 1: Bounce

Here is the first lesson on the most essential element... The groove, the feel, the pulse, the rhythm of the heartbeat - The Bounce! Read on to know “what in bounce?“ and about the African roots of jazz dance. ► Want to learn more? Get 6 more free lessons like this here: ► Or check out full membership options: My online school has 300 classes like this, with 18 hours of material and the largest online solo dance community in the world. Please take a look, and improve your dancing today, what better time? WHAT IS BOUCE? Bounce or pulse is an essential element of swing dancing and solo jazz. Steps may be similar in many dance styles, but the “feel” which is embodied in bounce or pulse is unique to a style. Bounce represents the timing of the music, the 4/4 pulse, it’s your “double bass” inside. When keeping the bounce, pulse steady and in time, you are your own metronome. ► Jazz. A brief
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