Film Stars Garden Party Sponsored By Birmingham Press (1949)
Chateau Impney, Droitwich.
The combined Midland Press is sponsoring a big film and theatrical fete. Documentation states Joan Dowling has a free smile for all comers. Among film and press charities benefiting from the fete was ’Old Ben’ the news vendors benevolent society. ’Old Ben’ was founded by Charles Dickens. Various activities included a beauty contest won be Miss Violet Pretty.
LV Stage of fame SV Frances Day being interviewed on stage of fame MV crowd waving SV Joan Dowling operating stall CU Joan Dowling SV Michael Denison and Andrea Lees looking on SV. Jimmy Hanley and Leo Genn and girl throwing skittle ball. LV. Jimmy Hanley and Leo Genn and girl throwing skittle ball. pan down to skittles. CU. Christine Norden reading Richard Attenborough’s palm SV. People throwing balls at Pat Dainton’s stall. SV. Pat Dainton. CU. Pat Dainton CU. Lana Morris signing autograph book for nursing sister CU Hanley putting sweet girl’s mouth in crowd CU Andrea Lees
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