Air Rally At Lympne AKA Flying Display At Lympne (1948)

Lympne, Kent, England AIR RALLY AT LYMPNE M.S. Monoplane doing roll gliding. M.S. Glider soaring and rolling. . People watching (2 shots) Mr Douglas Fairbanks Jnr, American film star & wife. M.S. Crowd watching D. Fairbanks & wife centre. . Two people watching. D. Fairbanks and Wife centre. C.U. Noel Coward. . Man signalling with aldis. L.S. Airfield with Jet taxiing past. C.U. Man with handle bar moustache. M.S. Two sailors watching with girl friend. . Man watching through glasses. . Pilot in cockpit. M.S. Two pilots talking. M.S. Pilot climbing out of cockpit. M.S. & C.U. Miss Lettice Curtis, Devonshire woman flyer & Flight Lieutenant Colquhoun. M.S. Miss Curtis in aircraft M.S. Presentation. taking place. C.U. Handing cup over. . Miss Curtis getting into cockpit. . Mr John Cunningham, chief pilot for the De-Havillands aircraft company in cockpit. M.S. Miss Curtis jumping down from plane. M.S. Miss Curtis being congratulated. (Comb. Mute. Neg.) (Cuts. 48/71.) F
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