Un Conference (1946)

Unissued / unused material. United Nations Organisation (UNO) conference in Bronx, New York, United States of America (USA). M/S Sir Alexander Cadogan, British delegate, sitting at Security Council Table, making speech. M/S American delegate James Byrnes making speech on Soviet-Iranian dispute, he opposes the proposal that the debate on the issue should be postponed until April 10th (natural sound). US Secretary of State Edward Stettinius is sitting on Byrnes’ right. Note: for more shots of this meeting see UN 1384 A. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC MOVIES. FOR LICENSING ENQUIRIES VISIT British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaum
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