Duke Of Edinburgh Visits Ferryfield Airport (1956)

Ferryfield Airport, Lydd, Kent. SV. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, alights from his plane. He is greeted by Air-Commodore Powell, Managing Director, and , Chairman of Silver City Airways. taxiing in towards camera. Duke with Powell and Makie standing in front of aircraft watching what is going on and having things explained to him. plane that taxied in previously having the car ramps put in front of it and the nose is opening. SV Aircraft workmen standing just inside hangar watching. going up ramp into aircraft (believed Jaguar). SCU. Stewardess looking on. car going up ramp into aircraft. Duke with two men after having been round the hangars, goes towards the plane in which he will fly. SCU. Ground staff type waving. steps up onto ramp and walks up into aircraft with Captain of plane. bottom of the ramp, Duke standing in plane watching them prepare to take away ramp. Duke and two of the crew and two civilians still stan
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