Bulganin And Khruschev Visit - Portsmouth (1956)

Portsmouth, Hampshire. Cars arriving at gates and entering naval base in Portsmouth. Several shots of the people around the gates. Various shots of the naval officers and staff around - some close up shots. Several shots of the people on barges looking on. Officers and dignitaries waiting for the arrival of the Russian guests. Several long shots of the crowd behind gates on seaside. People looking on, crowd lining streets and the coast. Various shots of train arriving into station quite slowly. More shots of the crowd. Russian battleship nearing the shore, crowd looking on. Naval ratings marching with rifles along dockside with military band leading. Prime Minister of USSR Nikolai Bulganin and Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party Nikita Khruschev leaving the battleship and are greeted by naval officers and civilian dignitaries. Bulganin inspecting the guard of honour. More shots of the battleship nearing the dock - Khruschev and Bulganin seen on deck, looking at shore, troops lined up. Various shots o t
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