May Festival At Villa D’este, Tivoli, Near Rome AKA May Festival At Tivoli (1948)

Tivoli, near Rome, Italy LS Villa d’Este, Tivoli, viewed across fountain pond during La Maggiolata, May Festival, planned by the Department of Arts (Direzione generale delle Belle Arti) to revive the traditions of Spring. MS Fountain with the villa in background. MS Fountain, including shots from the walkway behind the waterfall. (4 shots). MS Fountain, pan to villa. LS The villa, pan to fountain. MS Fountains on terraced rock garden, pan to beginning of parade of people from many regions of Italy, in their folk costumes representing Piedmont, Lombardy, Liguria, Sardinia, Sicily, Calabria, Basilicata, Abruzzi and Lazio regions. MS, LS and CU Various shots of Italian “peasants“ parading by in traditional costume in the pageant. LS People in peasant costumes on ornamental terrace. LS Peasants lining the terrace. MS and LS Traditional Italian folk dancing, with couples. (3 shots). CU. Couple dancing. MS Band, pan to couple dancing the “Il Saltarello“. (Musicians play an instrument called the Zampogne, a kind
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