General Templer’s Train Tour (1953)

Unissued / Unused material. 1953 Johore State, Malaysia. High Commissioner for Malaya General Sir Gerald Templer tours the countryside on a train. LS General Templer’s train. MS Malayan Railway guard with flag. MS Malayan engine driver. MS Train moving along. Various shots of a Malayan railway engine moving along. MS Sir Gerald and Lady Templer seated in railway coach. LS Malayan train passing through countryside. MS Sir Gerald and Lady Templer alighting from train. Various shots, armoured cars. LS The Templers boarding train. LS Malayan countryside from travelling train. CU Smoke coming train funnel. LS Train pulling into station. MS Army wireless operators. Various shots, Lady Templer inspecting needlework at a woman’s centre. Various shots, Gen. Templer inspecting Malayan Home Guard. MS Templer meeting Malayan boy, Omar bin Kamal. MS Templers planting trees. Various shots, Templer holding a press conference in train. Various shots, Malayan countryside from travelling train. (Dupe Neg.) FIL
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