President Truman At Little Rock (1949)

Unused / unissued footage - dates and locations may be unclear or unknown. American newsreel titles read: ’TRUMAN AND BUDDIES IN LITTLE ROCK’. Arkansas, United States of America. Elevated L/Ss of members of the United States Army’s 35th Division marching along street. M/S of crowd of people looking on. Several shots of President Harry S Truman marching with other veteran ex-servicemen of World War I. Truman waves his hat to crowds as he marches by. He seems to be enjoying himself. Elevated L/S of crowds assembled for dedication of Little Rock’s War Memorial Stadium. Truman mounts rostrum and makes speech saying “We have had to work for peace in the face of troubled conditions and against Communist pressures.“ He talks of being united in determination to use strength and substance, and having already turned the tide in favour of freedom and faith. He goes on to talk of the goal they seek being a great one, and worth the price. He says “Never has a nation had the opportunity which we have
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