Czech Premier Viliam Siroly Arrives In Delhi (1958)

Delhi, India Lined up Guard of Honour which was formed by contingents of Army, Navy and Air Force. Group of men & women which had gathered at the Air Force Station to welcome the visiting Prime Minister. MS. Czech children waving flags of India & Czechoslovakia. LS. Jet TU 104 taxiing toward camera. Various shots of Siroky stepping down from plane & being greeted by Mr. Nehru. They shake hands. MS. Nehru, Siroky & wife of Czech Ambassador in India. Shots of Nehru introducing Mr. Siroky to members of his cabinet. Nehru & Siroky walking toward camera. Shots of Siroky inspecting Guard of Honour. Shots of Siroky being introduced to waiting diplomats and High Officials of the Government of India. Shots of Nehru & Siroky climbing onto rostrum where they both give speeches. Nehru & Siroky getting into car, car leaving. Shots of Government Secretariat where a big crowd of Government employees had gathered to cheer visiting Prime Minister who passed in open car with Nehru. (Orig. Neg.) FILM ID: A VIDEO F
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