Royal Tour Of Midlands (1949)

Unused / unissued footage - dates and locations may be unknown / unclear. Cuts from newsreel 49/53 - Royal Tour of Midlands - Mansfield. Various shots of Princess Elizabeth (Queen Elizabeth II) and Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) at Mansfield, Portland Training College. Royal car drawing up in grounds of college. The Duke of Portland (President of the College - aka William Arthur Henry Cavendish-Bentinck) and the Duchess (Ivy Gordon-Lennox) of Portland waiting to greet the Duke and Princess. M/S of the Duke and Princess being received by the Duke and Duchess of Portland and the Chaplain of the College. The Duke and Duchess lead the Princess and Prince past a line of nurses. Princess is presented with bouquet of flowers by small girl. Officials look on as people come up to shake hands with Princess and Duke. M/S of Elizabeth and the Duke of Portland walking past choirboys to platform for laying the foundation stone. Prince Philip inspects Boys Brigade Guard of Honour. Men remove chains from
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