Roosevelt And Supreme Court (1937)

Full title reads: “Roosevelt & Supreme Court - US senators give their views“. Washington DC, United States of America (USA). Exterior shot of Supreme Court building - snow lies on the ground. CU inscription - ’Equal Justice Under Law“. MS int. shot of empty Supreme Court. Still photograph of Supreme Court Judges - they have numbers on to aid identification. Int shot of Senate in session. CU Senator Cuffey - Democrat, Pennsylvania. He speaks to camera. CU Senator King - Democrat, Utah, speaking. CU Senator Pittman - Democrat, Nevada, speaking. CU Senator Vandenberg - Republican, Michigan, speaking. Shots of President Franklin D Roosevelt in inauguration parade in 1937. LS Capitol building. CU Roosevelt. Ext of the White House. CU Roosevelt. N.B. Item found in Unidentified Gazettes reel. Presumably from 1930s Gazettes. Cataloguer’s Note this story may be connected with 37/14 concerning FDR’s argument with the House over the appointment of new Supreme Court Justices - MD.
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