De Gaulle At Compiegne (1948)

Unissued / Unused material. General Charles de Gaulle visits Compiegne. France. LS General Charles de Gaulle walking through lines of mounted spahis to the funeral monument at Rothondes where the armistice of 1918 was signed. MS spahis. MS General de Gaulle arriving at the armistice plaque, set in ground, and salutes it. CU a spahi with drawn sabre in front of him. Various shots de Gaulle saluting. MS as he removes his hat as he stands before the monument of the extermination camp of Royallieu upon which he laid flowers. MS dipped flags. MS de Gaulle laying on wreath. Various shots of the wreath. MS Spahi troops. MS de Gaulle walking along with party. MS spectators. MS as he unveils the nameplate of General Leclerc street. CU nameplate. CU Leclerc’s widow in mourning. CU de Gaulle shaking hands with people. LS de Gaulle walking through massed crowds. LS shots of crowds, platform seen in one shot. LS de Gaulle standing on the platform. Various shots crowds listening and applauding. MS de Gaull
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