Queen Presents Colours To The Grenadier Guards (1953)

Unused / Unissued material. London. Queen presents new Colours to Grenadier Guards at Buckingham Palace. LS Crowd. MS Group of Guards on parade. MS Group of Chelsea Pensioners seated. LS Crowd on the Buckingham Palace steps. LS Prince Charles watching from balcony LS Queen Elizabeth II walking onto parade ground. LS Guards. LS Queen inspecting the Grenadier Guards. LS Queen Mother with Princess Anne and Prince Charles watching on balcony. LS Guards marching, coming to a halt, opening order. LS Colours being handed to Colour Bearers. LS Guards present arms. LS Old Colours being carried away. LS Crowds watching. LS Ceremony of the Queen handing the new colours, she then speaks into microphone (natural sound): “Officers, Warrant officers, non commissioned officers, and guardsmen, the first and second battalion of the Grenadier Guards as your Colonel-in-Chief, I am very pleased to have met you here today and to present new colours to you.“ LS Guards giving three cheers for the Queen. LS Queen Mother with Pr
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