Mr. Macmillan Visits Mutiny Memorial & Gandhi Memorial (1958)

India. Mr Macmillan visits mutiny memorial & Gandhi memorial. Documentation on file, including newspaper cuttings and the story of Shamaspur village. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Macmillan Prime Minister and others walking toward camera. MS’s. Mr. & Mrs. Macmillan taking off their shoes, which is customary for entry to the spot of memorial platform LS MS. with a wreath being carried in front, Mr and Mrs Macmillan arrive at memorial (Mahatama Gandhi Memorial). MS Mr Macmillan walking with wreath and laying it on memorial platform. MS of Mr and Mrs Macmillan pan to show wreath. Shots of Mr. & Mrs. Macmillan at Mutiny Memorial. Another shot looking up towards memorial. SV. Mr. & Mrs. Macmillan coming down steps with attractive railings pan to ornate steeple. LS. Mutiny Memorial in old Delhi. Shots of car escorted by 6 motorcycle police arriving at residence of Vice-President Dr. Radha Krishnan of India. Several horses and hundreds of bicycles on the left of the frame as the car bringing Mr Macmillan approaches
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