1948 Oscars (1948)

Unused / unissued material - dates and locations unclear or unknown. 1948 Oscars. Hollywood in California, United States of America. L/S exterior of the Academy Award theatre in Hollywood showing cars arriving. M/S elevated crowded foyer. C/U An ’Oscar’ statuette. C/U Deborah Kerr presenting John Huston with his Oscar for writing and directing ’Treasure of Sierra Madre’. C/U Walter Huston receiving Oscar for best supporting actor. Euston gives a brief speech. C/U Claire Trevor walking onto stage, curtseying and receiving her Oscar for her role in ’Key Largo’ from Edmund Gwenn. M/S Warner Bros producer Jerry Wald receiving the Irving Halberg award for the most consistent high quality pictures. M/S of Douglas Fairbanks Jr. accepting the award for the years best picture for ’Hamlet’. M/S of Jane Wyman walking onto stage and receiving from Ronald Colman the award for the best actress of 1948. M/S Jane Wyman speaking, ’I accept this very gratefully for keeping my shut once, I think I’ll do it again’. Col
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