San Francisco Peace Conference (1951)

Unissued / unused material. American newsreel item. Japanese Peace Conference at San Francisco, California, United States of America (USA). Various shots of American battleships being attacked by Japanese planes at Pearl Harbour during World War 2 (07/12/1941). Various shots Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida arriving in USA by plane with daughter, lots of cheering crowds. Various shots Soviet delegate Andrei Gromyko arriving in San Francisco by train, he refuses to talk to waiting press. Various shots President Harry Truman arriving by presidential plane, “Independence“/ He is welcomed by US Secretary of State Dean Acheson and Mayor of San Francisco Elmar Robinson. Exterior of War Memorial Opera House. MS representatives arriving at Opera House. Interior shot of conference hall. Various shots of Truman making speech (natural sound). He says this conference will separate the nations which truly want peace from those who just say they do (directed at Soviets). More shots
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