Kashmir Celebrations (1948)

Kashmir KASHMIR CELEBRATIONS M.S. Pandit Nehru, Prime Minister of India addressing Kashmir natives from balcony. M.S. Side view from balcony. M.S. Side view Nehru and Sheikh Lion Abdullah, Prime Minister of Kashmir, arriving in car. M.S. Nehru shaking hands with army officers. M.S. Nehru taking salute at military parade. M.S. Nehru inspecting troops. . Decorating Indian troops. Front view, low angle Nehru speaking from balcony. M.S.& . Front view Nehru inspecting women soldiers. M.S. Nehru, Abdullah and another man on parade ground. . Small boy coming to speak to Nehru. M.S. Nehru saluting small boy and chatting with him. M.S. Nehru inspecting women native troops. M.S. Low angle, front view Nehru addressing crowds from balcony. M.S Ditto. . Nehru shaking hands with small boy. M.S. side view addressing gathering from balcony. . Moving shot crowds on boats viewing the river procession. L.S. river scene, with town in the background and river procession. M.S. Nehru’s boat in proce
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