Mussolini (1935)

Unissued / Unused material. Italy. M/S as car drives up. M/S Black Shirts stood to attention. M/S as Benito Mussolini walks past them and they cheer. M/S as he boards train and they do fascist salute. He salutes out of window as he leaves. L/S big rally in stadium with cheering crowds and troops on pitch. Various shots as military personnel put on drilling display. C/U Mussolini watching. L/S crowds applauding at end. Title - ’Roma’. Various shots Italian military men plus Cardinals and priests in large hall. Various shots as Mussolini arrives and everyone cheers and does fascist salute. M/S of Mussolini reading speech from paper (natural sound). He takes scrolls and presents them to a man. M/S as another man steps up and he does the same. Various shots as camera pans around packed hall. M/S as a cardinal makes a speech and everyone applauds, pan around them. Various shots as Mussolini salutes and leaves to cheers and applause. Title - ’Roma’ - Various shots of crowds cheering and wavin
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