Flood Disaster In New South Wales (1949)

New South Wales. Dramatic music to accompany appropriate commentary. CU. Map of coastal area of New South Wales, showing the towns Newcastle and Sydney and flooded area shaded in. MS Street scene with pedestrians and tramcar with rain sheeting down MS people holding umbrellas hurrying to shelter in down pour. LMS man sheltering under tree in pouring rain. MS car and lorry ploughing through flooded street. Van ploughing through flooded street. Elevated flooded area. Man carrying piece of furniture on shoulders as he wades through flood. Families standing in and around tent to which they have evacuated, which is now flooded out as well. Dilapidated tent on higher dry ground. Pan up from dog to woman and boy standing in entrance to tent. Elevated coastline. Rough sea lashing against rocks. Huge breaker hurling shorewards. Pelting rain. Torrent of water racing along. Torrent cascading over Waragamba dam. Water pouring out from dam over countryside. & MS Elevated dam. Two people on bank w
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