Governor And Mrs. Dewey Arrive In Britain (1940)

Southampton. Governor and Mrs Dewey arrive in Britain. CU cameramen SCU. Parsons interviewing Thomas Dewey, Governor of New York. Parsons: ’Is it really a holiday because you’re a very busy man, you know’. Dewey: It’s really a holiday.’ CU cameramen MS. Back view of Dewey and wife showing our sound unit operating in background. SCU. Dewey and wife. Dewey waves his hat. MS Prow view of the Queen Mary at quayside LS. Back view Parsons interviewing Dewey. MS. Parsons interviewing Dewey. ’Mrs. Dewey and Governor Dewey, welcome to England. We’re very glad to see you here and we hope you have a wonderful time. May I ask you sir, what is the purpose of your visit. We always have to ask these questions.’ CU. Dewey with Parsons holding mike in front of him ’Governor, what is the American reaction to the possible fate of Hong Kong?’ Dewey: Well the American reaction is one of horror to the whole progress of the Communist armies in China. Specifically with regard to Hong Kong that’s a very special matter and I th
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