Mike Zito - Change My Ways

Mike Zito - Change My Ways, album Pearl River, 2009. Mike Zito (born November 19, 1970) is an American guitarist, singer, producer, and songwriter from St. Louis, Missouri. He is a co-founder of Royal Southern Brotherhood that features Cyril Neville, Devon Allman, Charlie Wooton and Yonrico Scott. Zito started singing at the age of five and by his late teens he had begun his career in the St Louis area music scene. Notes* For this video editing I used personal videos and photo as well photo materials from the following sources: as well as materials of Search Google server. Photo Credits ...by: Marco van Rooijen, Tommy Lund, Veritas Imago, Christophe Losberger, Culture Shlock, Takahiro Kyono, Gerry Hardy, Sams Burger Joint, Trudy, Per Ole Hagen, Bob S., mojoworkinphotos, gaylon keeling, guitarlove626, Jean-Louis, Rodolfo Sassano, Dennis Caruana, Harald Olsem, Sierre Blues Festival, Tony Joe
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